A church that is alive needs the liberal, sacrificial support of those who love it.
Only a dead church demands no sacrifice. Friendship Missionary Baptist Church encourages giving as a part of worship during your Christian experience. Your tithes, offerings, and donations support the work of the church as we minister to our congregation and surrounding communities. We appreciate your contributions to the church - no matter what you have to give - as long as you give with a cheerful heart.
Tithes and Offerings
There are three primary ways to give during the COVID-19 crisis: drive-thru canopy (in-person), by mail, or online. Tithes and offering envelopes are available at the church during regular office hours if you wish to give in person on Sundays.
We must remain connected to God and with each other. We must stay strong in the Lord and be committed to the church family. May God bless you! Stay strong! Stay faithful! Pray for everyone's protection and be a blessing in this challenging hour. We ARE the Friendship Family!
Ways To Give:
Envelope (In-Person):
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, tithes and offerings are accepted only during limited times at the church or by mail. If you want to give in person before or after Sunday services, please use the drive-up canopy at the side entrance of the building; a church representative will be available to receive your offering.
You may also mail in your tithes and offerings to the church if you are unable to do so in person. The appropriate address to use is:
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
P.O. Box 2007
Conway, SC 29528
Make checks payable to Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and include tithe, offering, or gift in the memo.
Please print your name clearly on the envelope.
You may give your tithes and offerings conveniently online by visiting https://friendshipconway.onlinegiving.org.
FMBC Members: Creating an account is easy - just log-in using your Google or Facebook account or sign-in with an existing email address and create a password if you are a member (click Sign Up).
FMBC Guests: If you are a guest, simply click on "Give as Guest" and follow the instructions (no email or password creation required).
Thank you for your support of the ministry and programs at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church.
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." - Malachi 3:10 NIV